Our prime purpose of taking birth is to attain knowledge of our true self. To attain mukti.
If not to reach there, at least to evolve to the maximum extent possible in that direction.
We face a three-fold challenge as regards our spiritual evolution.
- Develop purity of mind. So that I am an ethical person in action, word and thought. So that I harbour feelings of मैत्री – करुणा – मुदिता – उपेक्षा towards one and all. So that I do not allow lustful thoughts to creep into my mind. This would involve कर्म योग। Also, अष्टांग योग of Patanjali. Especially यम – नियम। May I also add the भजन – वैष्णव जन तो तेने रे कहिए जे… Its lyrics beautifully spell the inner cleansing to strive for.
- Develop love for God. This is भक्ति योग।
- Gain knowledge of scriptures. ज्ञान योग।
We have to work on all of the above. Not in any particular order, as they are all complimentary and ‘feed on each other.’
As you strengthen one, the path becomes easier for you to progress onwards in the other two.